Partnership | Những Cộng Sự
VAAMA welcomes corporate and public/private foundations, community-based organitions and public agencies to become our partners. We want to recognize the following partners we have had the chance to collaborate with and/or support:
VAAMA sẵn sàng đón nhận những hiệp hội công ty lớn hay tư nhân hoặc chính quyền để đồng hành với chúng tôi. Chúng tôi muốn ghi nhận những cộng sự mà chúng tôi đã có cơ hội cộng tác sau đây:
and more!
Small Local Businesses
VAAMA supports small local businesses because we believe they are the strongest foundation of the local economy and the local livelihood. They help shape social interactions and enhance cultural identity in their areas.
VAAMA offers local businesses resources and support, to help bridge the gap between Asian cultural practices and mainstream business conducts.